December 7th, 1998....................Daybreak of Uncalled-For Fruit Baskets

Dogs and Canes for the NFL

I follow the NFL, but I'm not what you would call a rabid football fan. It's fun to watch. People get hurt. It's American. And I've been listening to the football pundits, who are little more than transitionally employed ex-athletes, or ex-coaches, or current wannabes. They've been whining about the referees this season and insisting that the only thing that will help preserve the sanctity of the game is the return of the instant replay. Until now, I'd sort of ignored the hype, thinking that the refs, being actually right there on the field, probably do just fine and see what's happening better than we think… I changed my mind yesterday... And I'm beginning to realize what those Publix baggers I hate so much do on the weekends.

When Vinnie Testaverde called his own number in the final drive of the New York Jets game against the Seattle Seahawks, he was stopped well before the ball could cross the plane, thus preventing a touchdown. His helmet made it to the line almost, but the ball was held low and didn't come close. It wasn't even an angle issue. The fans clearly saw that there was no touchdown. It wasn't even close. Not even a hint of the possiblity that it might have happened. One ref signalled a touchdown, they all piled on Vinnie, and while he was on the ground, he shoved the football across the line, well after he was down. It wasn't even like it happened really fast. Vinnie isn't that quick, mentally or physically. It was a wrong call. And it changed the game.

Seattle would have won. The Jets wouldn't have been in such a sweet playoff position. And Seattle coach Dennis Erickson might have kept his job. But no more. Because some slap-happy ref, who must have placed one hell of a big bet on the Jets in Vegas before the game, got a little carried away. That sucks.

I think they need to put helmet cams on the ref so that we can see exactly what they saw. Then, when they play that particular shot on the big screen in the stadium, the fans can boo and hiss and throw blunt objects at the bad ref. That would be fair. I think they should put surveillance cameras at every crucial point so that this crap doesn't have to happen. Plant a few right at goal level. Put a tracer on the ball just like in hockey so that we can see it on the screen. Take the judgment out of that part of the game so that the entire playoff race doesn't change because one ref blows a call and there is no recourse other than to say he sucked. The refs have made several piss-poor calls this year. But none of them was as critically bad as the one on Sunday. Change the rules or kill them all. At least that's the way I see it.

Thought for the Day:
I miss the NBA, but if I like those Nike commercials that make fun of the lockout, more. Right now, if I saw the players in a game, I'd just think they were a bunch of assholes and turn the channel to find some babes to watch instead.

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© 1998. G.G. Guinness
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